A better way to discuss

CQ2 is the free and open source tool for complex discussions.

CQ2 demo screenshot

There are no chat/forum platforms built for complex discussions.

Discussions using existing platforms turn into a mess of unorganised comments. People talk over one another and topics get mixed up. Replies to a particular topic are spread across different comments and you’re forced to mentally manage all the quotes and their replies.

In-person discussions are hit-or-miss, and most often go nowhere. They favour speaking ability. Instead of well-formed thoughts, you often get impulsive responses and hot takes. Many discussions benefit from taking a break to gather evidence or think more but there’s never enough time.

Organise your discussion chaos

With CQ2, forget quote hell — create threads around specific quotes and find all replies related to a topic at one place. No more mess of unorganised comments — create threads inside threads so that each thread stays on topic and organised. Never lose context of where you are — see all parent threads of the current thread in the same view.

If you use CQ2 regularly or for work, consider upgrading to a paid plan. You would get a faster experience, accounts for you and your team members, priority feature requests and support. If you're interested, let us know here.

CQ2 is not optimized for mobile use.

Please try on a desktop or laptop.

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